

What's wrong with you people these days??? I know most of my friends are now thinking about marriage. Not within my inner circle of friends anyway. Most of my high school friends are either in a serieous relationships, pregnant, pregnant with out a husband, or married. Everytime I meet one of them, they either ask if I had a a kid already or I'm about to get married.

Do I look lik I had a child? Since I gained weight these past year you assume that i was carrying a child in my belly. Did you see a ring around my finger? Have you seen me with a guy? Honestly, does one need to be married before reaching 30??


This is not the regency or the victorian era where a woman reached the age of 14 is married off to a stranger. We dont live up on the mountains that when reaching the age of 18 will be procreating series of children as if the world is not populated enough as it is.

Is it wrong to stay single? Let me rephrase that.. What's wrong with being single? I cant hardly take care of myself while juggling all my baggage much more having a relationship. I am not saying that I will not have a relationship, what I am saying is that I will cross that road when I get there.

My aunts blame me for being fat. They are both skinny and brittle. Goodness! Leaves are their only basic food group. They say I should loose more pounds and stop eating fastfoods. Saying if I keep that up, how will I find a great guy in my life. I think there is something wrong with this argument. The fact that both of them lack a significant other says alot of things. They are both single and now reaching the age of 45. If they couldnt find a significant other just based on their logic about me being fat is definitely erroneous. I mean, what's that got to do with me being fat?? If a guy comes and cant deal with my physical imperfections, its his loss not mine.

A friend from college said that I need to get out more. Explore other options and dont limit myself to fastfood, bookstore, work and at home. Try to socialize with other people. Go to parties, bar-hop, or do anything just to broaden my horizons. Humm.. did she noticed the city were living in? Did she saw the guys here lately? I mean, It is very sad to say that I am living here in Bacolod where the streets are filled with men with their protruding bellies and kids who are way over their minds. This is not like the streets in Brazil where streets are filled with hot brooding men.

This isn't the regency or the victorian era that once you got to the age of 14, you have to be presented to society that you are now eligible to be married. Also, I dont live near any moutain or farms that because they got nothing to do, they married off their sons and daughters then at the age of 18 bear dozens of children, not like theres enough populated enough as it is.

Is it wrong to stay single? Let me rephrase that. Whats wrong with being single? I cant hardly tke care of myself much more a relationship. If you are busy with your life looking for your lifemate and never got the chance to find it, you dont have to tag me along.

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