
Benefits of Eggs

I spent hours yesterday working on this forum entry.  it was like an article really about eggs and the project manager wanted me to scratch it. (bitch!!) So I'm posting it here just to.. well ..make the hours i made it feel validated.  its not a genius work but hey! i worked hard on it.. :P

The simple things we sometimes took for granted are sometimes one of the most beneficial things we can have.  I opened my fridge to only to find out that only eggs are left.  I was feeling that I can whip up something nutritious out of these eggs.  Thinking about it, there are lots of benefits when it comes within this shell.

Yes, they come in cheap.  We can buy them almost at every grocery store, local market or straight at a farm.  You can get them in a half or a dozen or even in trays.  Eggs have been a popular menu in our table since I can remember.

When we think of eggs, we always think of it as a breakfast food, but what is unique about eggs is that it has the capability to serve as a binder, coating, thickener, emulsifier or a leavening agent.  We can partner it with other ingredients to make something tasty or it is fine on its own.  You can use it as a part of your main course or dessert.  You can cook it in so many ways.

One egg contains 6 grams of high quality protein and 9 essential amino acids.  They contain the right kind of fat, 5 grams, and only 1.5 grams of saturated fats.  They help release the energy from carbohydrates, fats and promotes metabolism of proteins. It contains the best type of protein since  egg whites contains the purest form of protein.

Body builders eat eggs as part of their diet because of the protein they need to build muscle mass, eggs provide this for them.  We all know the importance of protein in the muscles because without it, it simply won’t grow.  With body builders doing much heavy weight training, they  will need the abundant supply of protein in order to repair the protein fibres to grow strong and bigger.

Easy and Fun!
Cooking with eggs are very easy.  Fry, boil, poached, or scrambled  an egg is done in only just a few minutes.  It is easy and doesn’t  take much and the variety of things you can do with it are endless. Shells are now even preserved and painted in different designs, souvenirs, and handmade projects.  With the countless of ways we can turn an egg into one delicious creation, it is a wonder a delightful and nutritious filling can fit a simple little white shell.

All these just by opening my fridge  
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